Apple Blossom startup blog

The story of starting a homeschool curriculum software development company.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Google Search: Preschool Curriculum Software

A quick Google search on "preschool curriculum software" turned up the following results;


Top Ads:

Child Care Mgt Software
Powerful, Easy to use Child Care Software from Procare. Free Demo►

Software for Child Care - Professional, Complete & Affordable
Free Demo, $195-$795, Save 50%-75%

Child Services Software - Client Management Software
Billing, Reports, Affordable,Secure

Right Ads:

Religious Preschool
Religious school in Deltona.
An education with spirit.

Hosted Education Software
Google Apps Education Edition
offers powerful tools for schools.

Educational Technology
Hands-on learning for any classroom
with apps from the App Store.

Children's Software
The Best Children's Software
$7.99 and up

Preschool Program
Adopt a comprehensive preschool
program for 3 and 4 year olds.

Curriculum Software
No Cost Curriculum Review
Onsite No Obligation

Child Education
At Bright Horizons Children Develop
Discover & Connect. Learn More!

Tadpoles Pro Childcare
Childcare software to improve
communication with parents


What's promising is that google apps is one of the advertisers (meaning they're not getting enough ads to fill the space without padding their own. But, I don't know if that's what I'd search for if I were going to buy Apple Blossom. It's for people who don't want (or know) about software for curriculum.

The three top ads are all for professional child care client management software. Daycare CRM & billing software, if you will. Nothing like Apple Blossom.

Most of side ads are not for curriculum either. I get a christian preschool in Florida, a preschool franchise (Bright Horizons), more Daycare management software, generic Education software, and a not-for-profit

clihome leads to a form to talk to a "curriculum consultant" (read "salesman"). The only thing relevant seems to be "Curriculum Mapper" software -- whatever that is.

tadpole appears to be geared toward child care pickup with some activity reporting.


The top 3 search results are all for abchomepreschool which is much closer to the mark. They sell curriculums on CD, and might be a good potential curriculum provider partner.

The next 2 are for a government report

Below the fold are a couple of curriculum resources , one free ( and one commercial (, a software program with things like spelling and flashcards (

IPC (International Preschool Curriculum) which looks interesting, and includes IPC Home School "A comprehensive preschool home study that includes all resources, teaching guides and lesson plans for ages 3 to 5."

This may be the closest thing on the market to what I envision for Apple Blossom


All this could be good news or bad. Either there's not a market, or it could be harder to locate. If I could craft the right message and there is a demand, an adwords campaign might have very useful information.

The trick is knowing if my campaign & message is inadequate, or if there isn't the demand.

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